Westwater Advocates’ Ability Recognised By Equalities and Human Rights Commission


4 advocates within Westwater Advocates have been selected by the Equalities and Human Rights Commission to form part of their Panel of Preferred Counsel for use in cases in which the services of counsel are required.

Adrian Stalker, Advocate has considerable experience in Housing Law and the Human Rights implications within that and other fields.  He has authored an authoritative text on the subject of Housing Law.

Juliette Casey, Alice Stobart and David Hay, Advocates, have an emphasis on Employment Law in their civil practises. All are regularly instructed to appear in the Employment Tribunal and Employment Appeal Tribunal and have experience in representing the interests of both employees and employers. All three are committee members of the Faculty of Advocates Employment Law Group.

Stable Director Nick Ellis QC said: “In the 21st Century no lawyer can ignore the issue of Human Rights. The impact of the legislation across any number of areas of legal practice is considerable, raising at times complex issues of interference with individuals’ rights, be they to do with protection of private life, or protection from unlawful discrimination. We are delighted the Commission has recognised the ability of our members in their appointment of Adrian, Juliet, Alice and David to their Panel. It demonstrates the range of expertise our members can provide to clients and instructing solicitors.”

The EHRC is the independent statutory body established to help eliminate discrimination, reduce inequality and protect human rights across the protected grounds of age, disability, gender, race, religion and belief, sexual orientation and gender reassignment.
